Tag: cake

Allergy-safe Desserts
Baking, Desserts, Recipes

Dairy-Free Lemon “Buttercream” Birthday Cake

My allergy girl celebrated her 1st birthday not with the typical Chocolate Cake and accompanying adorable messy-faced photos that most do… she had strawberry-rhubarb pie.   We just didn’t know at that time how to give a kid with dairy, egg and nut allergies a proper birthday cake!   Kate HATES strawberries!!!  […]

Allergy-safe cupcakes
Baking, Desserts, Recipes

Allergy-Safe Cake & Cupcake Recipe

All I can say is… THANK GOD for this cake recipe!   My friend Wendy shared this recipe with me when Kate was very young.  Her husband has dairy and nut allergies and she was my saviour passing this recipe on to me.   She calls it “Whacky Cake”. It’s also egg […]